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Frequently Asked Questions

How to find a job on Jiji?

There are a few ways how to find a job on Jiji. Try both to be sure you find your dream employer as soon as possible.

Search for job postings

  1. Go to the  "Jobs" section;
  2. Filter available offers: specify our preferred salary range, type of job (full time, part-time, contract, or internship), and location if it's important;

Publish your CV

  1. Click on the button  SELL;
  2. Сhoose category "Seeking Work CVs" and suitable subcategory (career field);
  3. Complete all relevant information, such as job type, employment status, previous work experience, skills, etc.;
  4. Double-check if everything is correct and click on the "Post Ad" button.

We hope you find your dream job soon!