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  4. Analyzer Medical Supplies & Equipment
Greater Accra, Tema Metropolitan, 1 hour ago

Semi-Auto Chemistry Analyzer

Brand New
Hospital Equipment
Touchscreen bio-chemistry analyser offered works on Windows base operating user-friendly interface and can deliver analysis method through options of kinetic fixed-time, endpoint,2point and end absorbance. also coming with optical support of 340, 405, 450, 360mm. do you have a light source of 60/10 w halogen lamp, resolution of 0.0001 abs and photometric range from 0.0000 to 3.0000 abs. the system also features temperature control in form of pertier control, room temperature, 25c 30c 37 c and has display support in form of 7'' TFT LED with touch screen and built-in thermal printer for better performance support. Technical specification; operating methods-windows-based user-friendly interface analysis method.
Semi-Auto Chemistry Analyzer
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