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  4. Analyzer Medical Supplies & Equipment
Greater Accra, Tema Metropolitan, 8 hours ago

Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer

Brand New
Hospital Equipment
The Electromagnetic waves emitted from the cells of the human body represent the specific health conditions of good health, sub health and disease. The Quantum Analyzer Machine is a preventive and non- invasive revolutionary spectral testing method in a rapid and accurate manner in determining sub-health conditions and diseases. How Does It Work? The weak magnetic frequency and energy of the human body are collected by holding the QRMA Sensor. After amplification by the instrument and processed by the built in micro processor , the data is compared with the standard spectrum of diseases, nutrition and other indicators incorporated within the instrument to analyze whether the sample wave form are regular or irregular using the Fourier principle approach. How Does It Work? The
GH₵ 1,600
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