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Greater Accra, Nungua, 3 hours ago

Acaricide Wash

Brand New
Store address
Greater Accra • Teshie
1st Akpor street Teshie camp 2
Green building with grey gate
Open now
• Mon - Sat, 08:00-20:00
Greater Accra • Teshie
41 Aloway street opposite Star football park((Mc Dan park) Teshie tue bluoo
On thé Alloway road, we are directly opposite Star park, we share same yard with the block factory
Open now
• Mon - Sat, 07:00-21:00
Greater Accra • Teshie
Gz-104-3661. 95 morning street teshie accra
The white storey building close to prolife pharmacy on Teshie link road
Open now
• Mon - Sun, 08:00-19:00
Acaricide wash helps with tick and fleas, highly toxic to cats and dogs but when use properly it’s very effective for washing your cats and dogs as well as your kennel or cages to repels ticks and fleas available @🅿precieux 🅿 pets
Acaricide WashAcaricide WashAcaricide WashAcaricide WashAcaricide WashAcaricide WashAcaricide WashAcaricide WashAcaricide WashAcaricide WashAcaricide Wash
GH₵ 60
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