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Greater Accra, North Legon, 2 hours ago

45 Bedroom Hotel at North Legon for Sale.

North Legon.KMJ
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Reference numbers KMJ/PSL/ 45bed hotel.$600K 13/4/2024... please quote the reference number when you call kindly call or send a message at jiiji and we will quickly respond to you. thank you agency terms apply location: *North Legon FEATURES: Walled and gated Neat 45 bedroom hotel in a serene environment at North legon for sale PRICE: GHC 7800000 we can also help you sell or rent your properties. please scroll down to view more of our properties.
45 Bedroom Hotel at North Legon for Sale.45 Bedroom Hotel at North Legon for Sale.45 Bedroom Hotel at North Legon for Sale.45 Bedroom Hotel at North Legon for Sale.45 Bedroom Hotel at North Legon for Sale.45 Bedroom Hotel at North Legon for Sale.45 Bedroom Hotel at North Legon for Sale.45 Bedroom Hotel at North Legon for Sale.45 Bedroom Hotel at North Legon for Sale.45 Bedroom Hotel at North Legon for Sale.45 Bedroom Hotel at North Legon for Sale.45 Bedroom Hotel at North Legon for Sale.
GH₵ 7,800,000
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