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Greater Accra, Madina, 1 day ago

Digital Finger Tip, Blood Oxygen, and Pulse Oximeter

Greater Accra • Madina
1 day
GH₵ 25 - 65
Store address
Greater Accra • Madina
Madina new road, Akosombo junction.
Am in the same building as the parliament pub 9
Closed now
• Mon - Sun, 09:00-21:00
Original digital finger tip oximeter is an economical and accurate method to detect blood oxygen and pulse rate saturation by finger.
Digital Finger Tip, Blood Oxygen, and Pulse OximeterDigital Finger Tip, Blood Oxygen, and Pulse OximeterDigital Finger Tip, Blood Oxygen, and Pulse Oximeter
GH₵ 150
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