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  4. Borehole Drilling Services
Ashanti, Kumasi Metropolitan

Small Machine Water Borehole Drilling at Kronom

Epidote Engineering
Company Name
Store address
Ashanti • Kumasi Metropolitan
Kumasi, Ghana
We drill engineered water boreholes within Kronom for specific sites at a reduced cost. This is one of our initiatives to ensure that most people get access to clean water. With only Ghc10,000.00 you can get a fully mechanised water borehole. Kindly contact us for and effective water borehole drilling service. Don't be worried about your terrain as to whether you will have water or not, our Engineers are up to the task. Contact us today and you will forever be grateful.
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  • Check Feedback to make sure the person is reliable
  • Agree on the scope of work and remuneration
  • Meet in person at a safe public place