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Ashanti, Kumasi Metropolitan, 06/02

The 6th and 7th Book of Moses

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Ashanti • Kumasi Metropolitan
Kumasi, Ghana
This is a detailed information book of magic by moses which is the 6th and 7th that isn't common... this book should be read with caution because it isn't an ordinary book... call me if interested... feel free to call or text me holy 6th and 7th book of moses is the solution to all human problems , money,spiritual protection, visions, summoning angels and other spirits,healing powers, starting a big church, love, prophecy, very sharp memory to remember everything you learn, wealth, winning big lotteries ,making your partner to be faithful to you, invisibility: your enemies can't see you but you can see them,protection against juju, witches, mama water,evil spirits, ghosts, curses, court cases, protection of properties:land,houses, work place etc... nb:i don't only sell this book to you,i teach you how to practice and use it to your satisfaction
The 6th and 7th Book of Moses
GH₵ 300
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