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Ashanti, Kumasi Metropolitan, 5 hours ago

Professional Interview Microphone

Brand New
Store address
Ashanti • Kumasi Metropolitan
GEO CODE (AK-016-2622) P.O.Box:GP 14888
We're Located At the Royal Adehy3 Market Building
Closed now
• Mon - Sat, 08:00-17:00
Professional interview condenser microphone, using the back electric capacitor microphone, the use of multiple poles, respectively through circuit processing for each pole, get excellent hyperthyroid polar cardio, two through the switching point, suitable for the needs of different occasions. the microphone body is made of aluminum material, the surface is painted and treated, and the lower part of the body is screwed out to replace the battery, so the use is convenient. clear sound pickup, high sensitivity, small distortion, dynamic range, so your live more exciting! brand new in box at shop sealed delivery available nationwide we're located inside royal adehye market
Professional Interview MicrophoneProfessional Interview MicrophoneProfessional Interview MicrophoneProfessional Interview MicrophoneProfessional Interview Microphone
GH₵ 300
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