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  4. Coconut Tree Seedlings
  5. Hybrid Coconut Tree Seedlings
Eastern Region, Fanteakwa, 19/11

Dwarf and Hybrid Coconut Seedlings

Across country
1-2 days
GH₵ 50 - 200
Store address
Eastern Region • Fanteakwa
Bunso site 3
Behind the Bunso cocoa college(site 3)
Closed now
• Mon, Sun, 09:00-19:00
Dwarf and hybrid coconuts seedlings
Dwarf and Hybrid Coconut Seedlings
GH₵ 25
Fixed price

GH₵ 20

≥ 50 pieces
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  • Avoid paying in advance, even for delivery
  • Meet with the seller at a safe public place
  • First, check what you're going to buy to make sure it's what you need
  • Only pay if you're satisfied