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  2. Health & Beauty
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  4. Avocado Oil
  5. Clean Avocado Oil
Greater Accra, Airport Residential Area, 1 hour ago

Ghana's No.1 Avocado Soap

Body Wash & Soap
Forever Living
Clean, healthy skin is the foundation of natural beauty. And there’s no better way to achieve that beauty than with natural ingredients like pure avocado oil and aloe vera from Forever’s own aloe fields. Our Aloe Avocado Face & Body Soap moisturizes as it cleans, leaving you with softer, smoother and more radiant skin. Avocados are a nutrient-dense fruit containing many beneficial vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, C and E. Avocado’s high fat content creates a rich base for our soap and helps even dry skin feel smooth after cleansing. Aloe Avocado Face & Body Soap contains hand harvested, pure aloe vera to help condition and soothe, leaving your skin feeling moisturized all day long. Forever’s Aloe Avocado Face & Body Soap smooths, nourishes and moisturizes without irritation, even for those with sensitive skin.
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