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Greater Accra, Airport Residential Area, 1 hour ago

Knorr Professional Select Vegetable Base 1.82 Lb/827g

Creates a hearty, umami-rich vegetable broth in seconds Yields approximately 176 servings per container Made without artificial flavors or gluten Perfect base to create soups, rice dishes, and sauces Versatile ingredient delivers consistent performance that your chefs can rely on Whether you're making hearty soups and stews or discovering new ways to enrich and enhance the flavors of your dishes, this Knorr Professional Select vegetable base is sure to become a staple in your kitchen! Featuring real vegetable flavor blended with savory natural spices, this base ensures a consistent flavor and is extremely versatile to use. Add this base to boiling water to create a hearty broth that can be used in various dishes, such as home-style wild rice soup, veggie pot pie, or creamy pasta dishes.
Knorr Professional Select Vegetable Base 1.82 Lb/827gKnorr Professional Select Vegetable Base 1.82 Lb/827g
GH₵ 290
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