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Greater Accra, Accra Metropolitan, 2 hours ago

180W Two Head Football Led Beam Moving Head Wash Stage Light

Brand New
Store address
Greater Accra • Accra Metropolitan
We are around the Children Hospital
If you get to Accra-Rawlings Park Kindly call Please; we don't work on Saturdays
Open now
• Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun, 08:00-21:00
Two head football LED beam moving head wash stage light 12x12W RGBW 4 in 1 high quality LEDs DMX512, sound active, master-slave and auto run mode Suitable for parties, events, shows, DJ and disco effect lighting X 540 degree and Y infinite run Powerful 180 Watt channel mode
180W Two Head Football Led Beam Moving Head Wash Stage Light
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