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Greater Accra, Accra Metropolitan, 2 hours ago

Kettlebell (2kg) Coated Weight

Black Mountain
Kettlebell Weight
Brand New
Store address
Greater Accra • Achimota
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• Mon - Sun, 06:00-21:00
Greater Accra • Cantonments
Makers gym
Closed now
• Mon - Sun, 06:00-09:00
Cast iron construction: our kettlebells are cast in one solid piece with strong resistance to deformation & wear. the vinyl wrap protects flooring and reduces noise. smooth comfort grips: the wide handles provide ample space for a comfortable grip with one or two hands. plus, fitness experts agree that kettlebells increase grip strength more than dumbbells because of their thicker handles. flat bottom for stability: the flat base with no sharp edges enables upright compact storage - they won’t roll away like most dumbbells. perfect for renegade rows, mounted pistol squats, etc. strength & cardio versatility: kettlebell exercises build both strength and cardio to improve muscle tone, burn extra calories, isolate muscle groups, perform swing mobility movements, or even get a total body work out 1301117966
Kettlebell (2kg) Coated Weight
GH₵ 360
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