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Greater Accra, Accra Metropolitan, 10 hours ago

Knee Brace / Support With Metal Stay

Knee Brace/ Support
Brand New
Store address
Greater Accra • Accra Metropolitan
Opposite Rawlings park - Accra Central
Close to Ghana School Of Law
Closed now
• Mon - Sat, 07:30-16:30
The DR CETUS Open-Patella Brace is designed to provide support and pain relief for various knee conditions. Here's a breakdown of its uses: Pain Relief: Arthritis: Helps alleviate pain associated with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Joint Pain: Provides relief from general knee pain and discomfort. Injury Recovery: Supports the knee during recovery from injuries like sprains, strains, and meniscus tears. Support & Stability: Patella Tracking: The open patella design ensures proper tracking of the kneecap, preventing it from slipping out of place. Compression: Offers compression to the knee joint, reducing inflammation and promoting healing. Weak Knees: Provides additional support for weakened knees due to injury or age. Activities: Sports: Suitable for use during physical activities like running, jogging...
Knee Brace / Support With Metal Stay
GH₵ 140
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