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Greater Accra, Accra Metropolitan, 1 hour ago

Sennheiser SKM5000 Cordless Microphone

Brand New
6.3 mm, XLR 3 Pin, Other
Microphone Connectivity
Store address
Greater Accra • Accra Metropolitan
Kaneshie Elis hotel
Kaneshie opposite Takoradi VIP station you will see a hotel named Elis hotel. The building is green
Open now
• Mon - Sat, 07:00-18:00
RECEIVER METRICS: Frequency range: 500-690MHz Modulation: Broadband FM Adjustable range: 50MHZ Number of channels: 250KHz Dynamic range: 100dB Maximum frequency deviation: # 45KHz Audio response: 80Hz-18KHz (# 3dB) Integrated messenger ratio:> 105dB Integrated distortion:<0.5% Operating temperature:-10 °C - +40 °C Receiver mode: dual tuned automatic selection (true diverty castrar) Receiver mode: secondary variable frequency Sensitivity adjustment range: 12-32dB V Spurious Suppression: ≥75dB Maximum output level: + 10dBV Transmitter Indicators: Antenna program: Walet bag transmitter with 1/4 wavelength whip antenna, Manshold microphone built-in helical antenna Output power: high power 30mW; low power 3mW Spurious Suppression: -60dB Power supply: two AA batteries Use time: 30mW greater than 10 hours, 3mW greater than 15 hours
Sennheiser SKM5000 Cordless MicrophoneSennheiser SKM5000 Cordless Microphone
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